Stanmore Public School

Respect - Resilience - Responsibility

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Get involved in our Kitchen classes

Kitchen garden banner

The Kitchen class volunteer sign-up form for Term 1 (Stages 1 & 3) is now available online.

Kitchen Garden program

Stanmore Public School's Kitchen Garden program allows our students to take part in pleasurable food education teaching students to grow fresh, seasonal produce and use it to prepare nutritious, delicious food.

Students are given all the skills, experiences and role modelling they need to learn to love their veggies and make healthier choices about what to cook and eat, for life.

Learn more about our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG) program.

Get involved!

To make these lessons a success, we need parent volunteers! Your help ensures that every child gets the most out of their experience.


SAKG lessons run every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during term, lasting between 40 minutes to 80 minutes, depending on the year group.

Why volunteer?

It’s a fun and rewarding way to be involved in your child’s education, see their learning in action, and support a program that builds lifelong skills.

Getting started is easy

First-time volunteers must complete a Working with Children form (available at the school office). It’s a quick, one-time process—just bring your ID.


Join us and make a difference! Your time and enthusiasm help create a fantastic learning experience for our students.

If your child is in one of the classes below, sign-up now and share a fun, hands-on learning experience with them!

Stage 1

Class Teacher
1P Richelle Pollack & Natalie Liang
1T Sonia Taylor
1V Angela Varvaressos
2B Louise Barry
2C Jazmin Cassar

2J Matinde James

Stage 3

Class Teacher
5/6A Andrew Lade
5/6H Nigel Hunt & Jenny Vezos
5/6L Brett Latham
5/6N Murray Nance
5/6S Samantha Hicks
5/6T Steph Thompson

Our Kitchen Garden website

Our Kitchen Garden teachers run their own website which is a rich resource of recipes, tutorials and other fun activities. Visit the website now to discover what's new on the menu.

Chess Club Term 1

The Tomato Festival is on NOW!