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Stanmore Public School

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Learning Support and EAL/D Programs

Some students may require an additional layer of support to assist them to reach their full potential as learners. At Stanmore Public School, we have a large and dynamic Learning Support Team (LST) supporting students, class teachers and parents. The LST is comprised of a range of teaching and non-teaching staff, who work collaboratively with students, classroom teachers, parents and external agencies and allied health providers to plan and implement the adjustments, supports and enrichments our students need to fulfil their learning potential.

Who is part of the Learning Support Team?

Learning and Support Teachers (LASTs) may support students in classrooms alongside class teachers, or they may withdraw identified students individually or in small groups to provide support. They act in a case manager role for the students they support, working in partnership with classroom teachers, parents and external providers such as allied health and therapists to develop learning goals for all supported students and to develop and review personalised learning and support plans (PLSPs) for students who require substantial or extensive support.

English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) Teachers support students from language backgrounds other than English, including new arrivals and students who speak a different language at home. This support assists them to develop their oral language, and the literacy skills they need to meet the demands of the curriculum in all learning areas.They may support students in classrooms alongside class teachers, or they may withdraw identified students individually or in small groups.

The Enrichment Teacher provides specialist enrichment programs in English and Maths for students in Stages 1, 2 and 3 who demonstrate particular strengths in these curriculum areas. They also coordinate and supervise student participation in external enrichment programs such as the Maths Olympiad, Game Changer Challenge and Da Vinci Decathlon.

The Special Education Teacher supports students with diagnosed disabilities who have a disability confirmation sheet, and their teachers. The Special Education Teacher works closely with class teachers to build their capacity to effectively support higher needs students in their classroom, and provides some direct instruction for some higher needs students. The Special Education Teacher also supervises the school’s team of School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs) and coordinates the support strategies and programs the SLSOs implement for students with diagnosed disabilities; and they also collaborate closely with parents to develop and review Personalised Learning and Support Plans (PLSPs) with agreed goals. This is an above establishment position created by the school, and funded through Integration Funding Support (IFS) allocations (see below for more details on IFS).

School Learning Support Officers provide in class support to the teachers of students with diagnosed disabilities, who are allocated additional funding through Integration Funding Support. At times, SLSOs may provide in-class support to students who do not receive Integration Funding Support.

They work in classrooms according to a timetable set by the Special Education Teacher. Their role is to support student learning under the direction of the classroom teacher. They are non-teaching staff, and they do not have duty of care of students - this remains with the supervising teacher.

The School Counsellor provides counselling and wellbeing support for students, based on referrals by teachers via the Learning Support Team, or parent referrals. The School Counsellor also conducts a range of assessments to support families, health professionals and school staff in learning more about students’ particular learning needs or talents. The reports from these assessments can assist in the identification of a range of issues or talents, and may inform a future diagnosis by health professionals.

The school’s Senior Executive (Principal and Deputy Principal) are members of the Learning Support Team and attend LST meetings, and provide support, guidance and oversight of student support and enrichment strategies and case management. They work with the LST and the wider staff team to create and implement school procedures and practices for learning support and enrichment, in line with Department of Education policies.