Image: Starting the day with a batch of delicious, savoury muffins to give the kids an energy boost in the morning. These feel-good snacks are packed with plenty of nutrition for growing lads and lasses.
Oil or butter for greasing
Vegetable mix
1 tablespoon olive oil
50g button mushrooms, sliced
200g chopped veg like broccoli, zucchini (cut into 1-2cm pieces), or corn kernels
150g washed and shredded greens like spinach, silverbeet or kale
1 spring onion, chopped
2 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs like parsley, chives, basil,
Grease eight holes of the muffin pan and line with baking paper. You may want to prepare an extra hole just in case you have excess mixture – you don’t want the filling to overflow!
Vegetable mix (can be made the night before):
Heat the oil in a medium pan over high heat.
Add the bacon (if using) and mushrooms to the pan and cook stirring over high heat for a minute or two until bacon and mushrooms start to colour.
Add the chopped veg of choice and cook stirring for another couple of minutes or until just tender.
Remove from heat.
Stir in shredded greens and spring onion. Cover with lid and set aside while preparing the egg mix.
Egg mix (can be made the night before)
Crack an egg at a time in a small bowl before pouring it into a large jug.
Whisk together all the eggs, milk and herbs. Season with a little salt and pepper.
Divide the vegetable mixture evenly between the prepared muffin holes.
Sprinkle with the grated cheese.
Carefully pour the egg mix evenly between the eight muffin holes. (Try not to overfill, make an extra muffin if you have excess mixture).
Wear oven mitts on both hands and place tray into the preheated oven to bake for 10-15 minutes or until browned and risen. Always have an adult with you when using the oven.
Set aside for a few minutes before turning out onto a wire rack. Serve warm.
Muffin pan: You will be using about eight holes of a twelve hole 80ml (1/3 cup) muffin pan.
Eggs: If using eggs from the garden, before using, first gently wash the eggs to remove any debris.
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