Stanmore Public School

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Book Week competition update

Book Week

Ten Stanmore students win prizes in the Inner West Libraries annual Book Week competitions.

Last week we reported that three Stanmore students won prizes in the Inner West Libraries annual Book Week writing and drawing competitions.

This was a mistake. There were in fact, TEN Stanmore students that were awarded prizes for their outstanding entries in the competitions.

Please join us in congratulating the following students:

The competition saw an incredible response, with over 2,000 entries pouring in from across the Inner West. The organisers were impressed by the exceptionally high standard of both writing and artwork submitted.

Winners were invited to a presentation at Marrickville Library to celebrate their amazing work.

K-2 winners enjoyed a drawing demonstration and book reading from children’s illustrator Sarah Davis, whilst 3-6 students enjoyed fun activities with Kate and Joel Temple known for their Frog Squad books.

All winners met the Mayor and received a certificate and a Gleebooks gift voucher.

Winning entries will be showcased on the Inner West Libraries website during Book Week.

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