Stanmore Public School

Respect - Resilience - Responsibility

Telephone02 9569 1638

The Uneaten Lunchbox

The uneaten lunchbox

Are you a victim of the boomerang lunchbox - what goes in the lunchbox, comes back untouched or barely eaten?

There are many reasons why children may not eat their lunchbox foods. Consider these next time you pack your child's lunchbox.

Too many new foods

  • Include foods your child is familiar with and comfortable eating.
  • If trying something new, be sure to also pack something you know they will eat.
  • Remember it can take up to 15 times of exposure before children will accept a new food.

Too much food

  • A lunchbox full of food can be very overwhelming for young children.
  • Be realistic with what your child can eat and include them in packing their own lunchbox.

Can’t access the food

  • Some lunchbox containers and packages are tricky for little fingers to open.
  • Check they can open containers before using them for school.
  • Remember to pack a spoon or fork for some meals and snacks.

Too busy playing

  • For many children, playing is much more important than eating.
  • Schools can help by providing designated sit-down eating times with no pressure to eat.


Children’s internal sense of hunger, appetite and fullness is stronger than adults. Trust they will eat the right amount to grow well whether it be at school or home.

Encouraging a growth mindset

Nailing the nude food lunchbox