Stanmore Public School

Respect - Resilience - Responsibility

Telephone02 9569 1638

Building wellbeing

building wellbeing

Our actions make a difference and we can change how we feel by taking small daily actions at home, at school and at work.

Happiness is something we do

We can’t always choose our circumstances and there will sometimes be good and bad times, but we can learn about what makes us happy and we can take actions with the aim to create more happiness for ourselves and the people around us.

We make the biggest difference together

Happiness is not a solo pursuit. When we connect together it's easier to make happiness a habit, feel a sense of belonging and have a positive impact.

The Action for Happiness calendars provide simple and practical tips for the family to do together to help build a culture of wellbeing. Take action by downloading Active April today.

Happiness calendars

Visit the Action for Happiness website to download their monthly action calendars, packed with daily ideas for happier living.

Encouraging a growth mindset

Nailing the nude food lunchbox