Stanmore Public School

Respect - Resilience - Responsibility

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Calmsley Hill City Farm

calf lying down

On Tuesday this week, Kindergarten students embarked on their first, fun-filled excursion to Calmsley Hill City Farm.

Despite the long bus ride, the students’ excitement was sky-high as they explored the farm and met a variety of animals.

The children enjoyed patting bunnies and ducklings, milking cows, and even hopping aboard a tractor for a scenic ride.

Afternoon activities included watching an exciting stockwhip show, an impressive dog demonstration, and Barbara the sheep getting a fresh new haircut during a live shearing session.

The following day back at school, students eagerly wrote about their farm adventures, hoping to share their stories with the school community.

It was an unforgettable day of fun and learning!

KB writing

Explore some examples of KB's writing to discover how much they enjoyed their visit. We're very proud to share how far our Kindergarten students have come since the beginning of the year!

Operation Art 2024

Stay safe and healthy this summer