Stanmore Public School

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Learning Support Guides

education standards authority

The NSW Education Standards Authority have published parent and carer guides to help support your child at home in the learning areas of Maths and English.

The guides have been developed in conjunction with the current syllabus and each subject has three guides specific to learning stages Kindergarten, Years 1-2 and Years 3-6.

Families may find these guides helpful as a reference when supporting your children with their learning at home.

Mathematics K-2

Mathematics 3-6

You have an important role in supporting your child at home in their learning.

What will my child learn?

By studying mathematics, students develop essential numeracy knowledge and skills and develop an understanding of concepts in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Space, Statistics and Probability.

Students develop understanding of and fluency in mathematics through exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems to communicate their thinking, and reasoning both coherently and clearly.

How will my child benefit?

The study of Mathematics can benefit your child by helping them to:

  • become a confident user and communicator of mathematics
  • develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and processes
  • interpret and solve problems
  • make connections within mathematics and the world around them.

What can I do to help?

You can help your child at home by:

  • expressing a positive attitude towards learning by using phrases like let’s work it out together and avoiding phrases like I was bad at maths
  • playing games that involve counting or addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, like card games, bingo or dominoes
  • playing games that involve strategy or looking for patterns such as boxes, noughts and crosses, guessing games
  • estimating how long it takes to get to locations such as the shops, a friend’s house or school
  • reading the time on digital displays and analog clocks
  • discussing how you use mathematics every day such as estimating time, adding amounts of money, reading the temperature, reading speed signs
  • discussing how you use benchmark amounts, such as half, one-quarter, three-quarters in different ways, such as knowing 50% is half
  • noticing and discussing how to read large numbers such as game scores
  • sharing your strategies for working out everyday mathematics problems such as finding the ‘best buy’ in the supermarket, how to calculate if you have been charged the correct amount
  • using and discussing different units of measurement when cooking such as grams, millilitres, litres, fractions (¼ of a cup, ½ a cup, ½ a tablespoon)
  • naming days of the week and months of the year, contextualising times of the year using special celebrations such as birthdays or cultural events
  • collecting data together about something you both find interesting, such as the kinds of pets people have.

English K-2

English 3-6

You have an important role in supporting your child at home in their learning.

What will my child learn?

Through speaking, listening and interacting with others, your child will have the opportunity to learn to express their ideas and communicate effectively. They will be able to build on the foundational skills to read and write with increasing fluency.

Your child will engage with a wide range of quality literature, including: stories, poetry, plays and multimedia, for enjoyment and to learn about themselves, their community and the world.

Your child will learn to appreciate, reflect on and build knowledge about how language works. This will help them learn to make meaning when reading and viewing texts, and to create texts in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretative, critical and powerful.

How will my child benefit?

The study of English can benefit your child by helping them to:

  • communicate clearly and confidently by interacting and presenting in different social and learning situations
  • deepen their knowledge and use of vocabulary to support oral language, reading and writing skills
  • choose the most appropriate words for different learning contexts
  • use a range of strategies to spell, read and write words that may be increasingly unfamiliar
  • use grammar and punctuation to express themselves effectively
  • read with accuracy and with expression appropriate for the type of text
  • write longer and more complex texts for different purposes
  • use quality literature to learn more about the world and their place within it.

What can I do to help?

You can help your child at home by:

  • engaging in deep conversation about topics they are interested in
  • encouraging them to speak clearly and in full sentences
  • closely monitoring the amount of time they spend on screens and the suitability of content
  • creating an interest for learning new vocabulary, introducing and exploring new words during conversations or reading books
  • explaining what new words mean and making connections to words in your home language, if relevant
  • frequently using new words and encouraging your child to use these new words when speaking or communicating
  • providing many different types of books and stories that may be of interest to your child for independent reading, such as fiction, informative texts and comics, including books in your home language, if relevant
  • sharing the reading of more complex texts – both younger and older children enjoy being read to
  • critically discussing favourite characters, settings and plot lines in stories
  • discussing the creators of books, films and songs; how they present their ideas and the different purposes for them
  • encouraging your child to keep a journal to record their thoughts and ideas for reflection.

Learn more

If you'd like to learn more about the current syllabus, visit the NSW Curriculum website.

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