Stanmore Public School

Respect - Resilience - Responsibility

Telephone02 9569 1638

Promote a Lifetime of Healthy Eating Habits

Live Life Well at School

Children are more likely to enjoy their Crunch & Sip if their produce is fresh and delicious.

Choose fruit and veg that are currently in season and that feel firm, smell nice and look appealing. 

Involve your child in choosing the fruit and vegetables that you buy at the supermarket. Remind them that they need to choose fruit and vegetables that can be eaten easily and eaten raw. Use this as an opportunity to discuss different types of fruit and vegetables and encourage them to try unfamiliar ones. 

Choose fresh fruits and vegetables over dried and tinned varieties for Crunch & Sip. Dried and tinned fruits contain more sugar than fresh fruits so only have those occasionally. Muesli bars, roll ups and fruit leathers have far too much sugar and not enough actual fruit so they are not allowed for Crunch & Sip.

Crunch & Sip does not have to be limited to school days. Encourage your children to crunch on fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water over the weekend and during holidays. Don’t forget to join in! Be a positive role model by enjoying Crunch & Sip with your kids as you set them up for a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

Enter the Young Archie competition

The Tomato Festival is on NOW!