Stanmore Public School

Respect - Resilience - Responsibility

Telephone02 9569 1638

Sky Dance Australia Success

Celebrating Achievement

Stanmore PS student, Anya Nadezhkin (2V), received the 1st Runner-Up at the National Sky Dance Final in the Youth Category (8-12y.o.) Open Apparatus Solo.

Anya competed for the first time in the aerial (circus skills) this year.

In June she received 1st Runner-Up in NSW in the same category. Her score was high enough to take her to the Nationals where she achieved 1st Runner-Up again. Also winning the Best Costuming Award.

Sky Dance Aerial (formerly Little Lyra) is a highly respected competition in the aerial world.

We congratulate Anya on this outstanding achievement.

Encouraging a growth mindset

Nailing the nude food lunchbox