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Mental Health Month

Live Life Well at School

October is Mental Health Month in Australia.This year’s Mental Health Month theme: Tune In.

Tune in to YOURSELF

Tuning in to yourself can start with checking in with yourself and asking a simple question: “what can I sense right now?” See, touch, taste, smell, and listen to the world around you and experience the way it makes you feel. You can also ask the question “how do I feel right now?” Identifying what you feel can improve awareness of your surroundings, help focus your mind and understand what is going on inside you.

Tuning in to yourself can also mean identifying things that help or harm your own mental health. For example, exercise may help improve your mental health, and engaging in conflict might negatively impact your mental health.

Tune in to OTHERS

Tuning into others can build positive connections. Can you imagine what other people might be feeling and why? Does someone you love seem a bit down? Maybe you can head over and help them out with a chore or task, or just sit and have a casual chat.

Alternatively, if you’re having difficulty connecting with others, it can help to let them know that. Sharing with others that things are a bit tough right now could help them understand how you’re feeling.

Tune in to COMMUNITY

You can tune in to communities by considering groups and networks you are part of and the activities that take place within them. How can you make communities and activities more welcoming, open or easier to access for those experiencing difficulty with their mental health and wellbeing?

This might mean something specific, like hiring a bus to pick people up to go to community events, or more general, like thinking about community feelings after a natural disaster.

Tune in to STIGMA

You can tune in to stigma by considering the misconceptions, prejudice or barriers that you or others face regarding mental health and wellbeing. You can help increase understanding by making sure mental health and wellbeing are not taboo topics in your community, and letting others know if they are engaging in stigma-promoting behaviour.

Check out these calendars, each with a daily suggestion to help connect everyone to positive mental health and wellbeing strategies.