Stanmore Public School

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Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Four Stanmore students competed in the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition local finals on Monday this week.

Congratulations to Anna Olazabel (Year 3) and Eliza Rolfe (Year 4) for competing in the Local Finals for the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition on Monday.

Both Anna and Eliza did an amazing job. Anna speaking about her "Culture and Me" and Eliza "The Olympics".

Eliza was one of three students who received a Highly Commendable Certificate for an outstanding prepared and impromptu speech.

Congratulations also goes to Maeve Scaddan (Year 5) and Carter Rolfe (Year 6) for their excellent speeches. Maeve speaking about "Our Voices" and Carter about "Learning from the Past".

Well done to all four students for their hard work and commitment in preparing for this competition.

What is the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition?

This competition is run by The Arts Unit and encourages primary school students to explore ideas of multiculturalism in Australia while they practise their public speaking skills and improve their confidence.

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