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Walk Safely To School Day

Walk Safely to School Day

Walk Safely To School Day

Walk Safely To School Day takes place in Australia on Friday, May 10 this year. It is a national event that involves primary school children being encouraged to walk to school safely. This day was established by the Pedestrian Council of Australia.

This day aims to develop exercise routines for children, promote increased intake of nutrient-dense diets, and cause a positive environmental action by decreasing carbon emissions from driving to school. The key aim, however, is to familiarise young children with road safety rules.

How to observe Walk Safely to School Day

1. Map walking routes to school

If you have a child, prepare them to walk to school. Map out routes with them.

2. Teach your child about traffic safety rules

Make sure your child is ready to walk outside safely. Try to review traffic rules with them.

3. Help them understand the environmental impact

Though driving to school is far more comfortable, help your child understand the environmental impact they’d be making by curbing carbon emissions. Let them appreciate why they’re walking to school.

5 facts about walking

1. It’s a popular exercise

Walking is the most popular exercise in the Australia.

2. It has an average speed

The average walking speed is 4.99 KPH.

3. The distance covered during one’s lifetime

On average, a person walks about 104,600 kilometres during their lifetime.

4. It’s a mood elevator

Walking helps boost your mood by increasing blood flow to the brain.

5. It helps to curb emissions

Walking about 16 kilometres per week rather than traveling by a vehicle would save 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions each year.

Why Walk Safely to School Day is important

It encourages an active lifestyle

Walking instead of commuting to school will inculcate the habit of physical activity in a child’s life. This habit would be tremendously beneficial to the individual’s overall health.

It highlights the environmental impact of driving places

Walk Safely To School Day highlights the difference walking would make on carbon emissions. Fewer gas emissions translate to a healthier environment.

It’s an opportunity for children to learn traffic safety rules

Walks are fun and environmental-friendly. In addition, Walk Safely To School Day also helps children learn traffic safety rules.