Stanmore Public School

Respect - Resilience - Responsibility

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Sydney Eisteddfod

Sydney Eisteddfod

Congratulations to the year 4, 5 and 6 After School Drama Ensembles who performed their group devised plays at the Sydney Eisteddfod on Saturday, June 3.

The week before the big day we had lots of last minute changes due to illnesses and the students have all displayed such resilience and adaptability in the face of these challenges.

All three groups had the audience in fits of laughter with their quirky characters and silly scripts. It is always a highlight of my year to see them all shine brightly.

The year 5 class were awarded third place by the adjudicator and the year 4 class won the section, securing first place.

Well done to all our amazing drama students!

Ms Lopes
K-6 Drama Specialist

Learn more about After School Drama

Operation Art 2024

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